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Notice: Entry to the Ground is expressly subject to acceptance by the visitor of these Ground Regulations and the rules and regulations of The Football Association and Pitching in Isthmian League in respect of the relevant competition and the laws of the game.


Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of the Ground Regulations.


  1. The Club management reserve the right of admission to the Ground.  On no account will admission be granted to a person who is subject to a current Exclusion Order.

  2. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place on any particular day or at any particular time and the Club management reserve the right to change its advertised fixture without notice or liability.

  3. In the event of a match being postponed or abandoned, any refund of the admission charge will be at the sole discretion of the Club management. This is subject to a time limitation, the details of which are obtainable from the Club

  4. The Club management reserves the right to refuse admission to the Ground, or eject from the Ground, any person who refuses to be searched by any servant or agent of the Club or any Police Officer.

  5. Fireworks, flares, smoke canisters, knives, bottles, cans, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety are not permitted within the Ground.

  6. The following are offences under the Football (Offences) Act 1991 and are strictly forbidden:- the throwing of any object within the Ground.- the use of foul and abusive language, obscene chanting or racial abuse towards any person.      - an authorised entry onto the Field of Play, except in an emergency.

  7. The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and like places at all times and the standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden. Any person who persistently contravenes this Regulation will be ejected from the Ground.

  8. The climbing of floodlight pylons stands or any other structure within the ground is strictly forbidden.

  9. Unnecessary noise such as that from the use of radio sets and behaviour likely to cause confusion or annoyance to any person is not permitted in any part of the Ground.

  10. Only persons specifically authorised in writing by the Club management are permitted to offer for sale or distribute within the Ground any newspaper, periodical or other article.

  11. Any person found damaging or defacing the property of the Club will be prosecuted.

  12. Persons failing to comply with instructions from a Police Officer Steward or other authorised agent of the Club will be ejected from the Ground.

  13. The Club Management reserves the right for its servants, agents and police to remove from the ground any person who does not comply with all these rules and regulations, or whose presence within the ground is, or could be reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other person.

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